What I do

Laura is a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner, Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Holistic Menopause Health Specialist as well as Certified Hormone Health and Wellness practitioner. She received her training at the University of Vienna, Austria, the School of Applied Functional Medicine (SAFM), the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City, USA as well as at the Burrell Academy in London, UK.
Originally from Vienna, Austria, Laura moved to Malta in 2004 and is currently based in Malta as well as the United States.
Laura is working one-on-one with women in her clinic, as well as online coaching women from all over the world on how to improve their hormone health and their overall wellbeing during menopause using natural remedies and implementing healthy lifestyle changes.
Laura approaches menopause in a holistic way, not only by recommending a healthy diet, the right physical activity, superfoods, supplements and plant based remedies, she is also guiding and encouraging her patients to cruise through this period of transition mindfully and with a positive mindset.
Laura Peischl